Delphi Arduino

Arduino is a single-board microcontroller, intended to make electronic application of interactive objects or environments more accessible for everyone.

Delphi and IoT video series with Arduino. Sileide Campos is Embarcadero MVP in Brazil, automation control engineer and student of computer engineering. Access: HOW WE CAN CONTROL THE UNIVERSE WITH DELPHI. (Original content in Portuguese) Read more. How to get started with Arduino based DLMS meter If you have problems you can ask your questions in Gurux Forum. You can get source codes of this example from GitHub. It's amazing what you can do with 8 KB of RAM. Before start, you need to copy src and include folders from the development folder to the server schets folder.

For people live in Indonesia where buying Arduino from overseas is expensive and requires months of delivery time, you can buy Arduino compatible boards from, toko komponen elektronika yang menjual Arduino dengan harga murah. The price of Arduino Pro Mini in this store is incredibly cheap, less than US$7 [ cek harga jual Arduino Pro Mini ATmega328 16 MHz ].
I've found this piece of code for Delphi and Lazarus (free pascal), It suppose to control the level of brightness of a LED through the pin 7 of Arduino Board. Example comes with Arduino Sketch and Delphi/Lazarus Project. It uses freeware Synaser library to communicate directly to the serial port.
Delphi ArduinoPenguin Cult Lab made a simple Arduino controller from Delphi, here the screen-shot:

This example uses 5 LEDs that will be controlled from the Delphi program via serial communication. Library used for serial communication is open source library the ComPort. Download zipped Delphi source code.
From Arduino, enter following code and save it as 'delphi_leds.pde':

Select a component in Visuino and press F1 to get help for the component.
The latest version of Visuino will automatically show the Wiki page for a selected component or property.

  • 3Video Tutorials
  • 4Instructables
  • 5Hackster IO Tutorials
  • 6Blog Tutorials
  • 103th Party Component
  • 12Cool Projects

Getting started

Visuino Sites


Video Tutorials


Boian Mitov

Robo Papa

Dávid Hámor

Fredy Alvarez (Spanish)

Bruno Henrique Paulo (Portuguese)

Phachakorn Tasusee

  • (Thai) Review Visuino - Demonstrates connecting 2 Digital pins so one can control the other

Ardui Nooo

Sarthak Mendiratta

Swellington Santos

Delphi Arduino Ide

Robot Kafa (Turkish)

Visuino Turkey (Turkish)


Rafał Czachurski (Polish)

BRAHIMI Hamid (French)

Ciprian Balalau

  • Visuino + OLED test live internet time from NIST server - The video shows the important settings, and link to the code is provided in the description
Delphi arduino usb

Anatolii Gordiienko

Shaikh Tajmul haque

Torbjörn Westlin

Mini Cabanes En Bois

Berenjena Electronica

Andrew Altamirano (Spanish)

Dilan Zurita (Spanish)

Cristian lml (Spanish)


Jim Ryan Aka Pigeon Kicker

Sonny Santosa

flat four 7


Boian Mitov

  • Fanduino - Cool Automatic Arduino Fan - Uses Servo, LM35 Thermometer, and Ultrasonic Ranger
  • Arduino: Control Servo with Buttons - Uses Servo
  • Arduino: NeoPixels (WS2812) made easy - Indexed pixels - Using the NeoPixels component
  • Arduino Nano: Using DS1820/DS18S20 Maxim One Wire Thermometer Sensor Module - Using the Maxim 1-Wire Thermometer component
  • Arduino Nano: Invert Button With Visuino - Using Inverter
  • Arduino Nano and Visuino: Control Servos With Joystick - Uses Servo
  • Arduino Nano: Debouncing, and Toggle button with Visuino - Used T Flip-Flop and Debounce Button
  • Arduino Nano: Rotary Encoder With Visuino - Uses Rotary Encoder, and Up/Down Counter
  • Arduino Nano: Temperature and Humidity DHT11/DHT21/DHT22 Sensor Module with Visuino - Uses DHT11 and Formatted Text
  • Arduino Nano: Reading DS1820/DS18S20 Maxim One Wire Thermometer Address With Visuino - Using the Maxim 1-Wire Thermometer component

Vedran Mušica

Ankit Mishra

Kurt Roesener

Andreas Sachs

  • Block PulseMeter Description (German and English)

Rafał Czachurski

  • PID Controller Servo VISUINO (Polish)
  • Button for NEXTION NX3224T024_11 - Using Nextion Buttons from Visuino

Ron Frtek

Jerzy Ziętowski

Hackster IO Tutorials


Blog Tutorials

Kurt Roesener

Swellington Santos


Steinacoz V

Miguel Alexandre Wisintainer


  • The Visuino Project Part 1 - Visuino article from the Blaise Pascal Magazine
  • The Visuino Project Part 2 - Visuino article from the Blaise Pascal Magazine (Communication between Delphi and Arduino)
  • The Visuino Project Part 3 - Visuino article from the Blaise Pascal Magazine (Create your own Components for Visuino)

Groups and Communities

On Hackster.IO

3th Party Component

Swellington Santos

  • Swellington Mathematics Pack
  • Swellington Soft Reset
  • Swellington Generators Pack
  • Swellington RFID
  • Swellington CI7HC595 Support
  • Swellington Char Array
  • Swellington Visuino Converters Pack
  • Swellington Tone

Open Source Arduino C++ libraries for Visuino

Cool Projects

Visuino Nixie Clock by Steve Stuart

  • Visuino Nixie Clock by Steve Stuart

Control railway model with Visuino programmed ESP8266 Wi-Fi bi jezy zie

SKELLY the ROBOT bi Christopher Krumenacker

  • Video 1: SKELLY the ROBOT Controlled by Arduino and programed using Visuino by Christopher Krumenacker
  • Video 2: SKELLY the ROBOT Arduino controller board, Visuino Program by Christopher Krumenacker
  • Video 3: SKELLY the ROBOT Build a Automated Skeleton Robot Controlled with Arduino Mega and Programmed using Visuino by Christopher Krumenacker

CUTSIE WHUN Self Balancing Robot

  • First Visuino test - Converting months of code to Visuino in 45 minutes

Visuino clock with ws2812 by Rafał Czachurski

Visuino OLED wrist watch by Rafał Czachurski

Visuino programmed Curiosity Robot by Rafał Czachurski

Visuino LM 327 can bus by Rafał Czachurski

Astronomy Solar tracker Visuino Pro by Rafał Czachurski

Visuino ultrasonic wind speed sensor by Rafał Czachurski

Visuino lcd keypad shield 5 buttons read from ADC0

Visuino + Node-red + mosquitto by Ciprian Balalau

Needle Detector machine controller by Shaikh Tajmul haque

Control Visuino programmed Arduino from MIT App Inventor by FASOYLAS

Visuino Home Control by Visuino by Art Wal


Visuino support for the Leguino (LEGO + Arduino) Platform

Visuino programmed timelapse hyperlapse dolly by Zoltán András

Delphi Arduino Serial

Project by Lenka Automate (Biswanath Lenka)

Delphi Arduino

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