Aqw Unidentified 13

  1. How To Get Unidentified 13
  2. Aqw Unidentified 13 Drop Rate

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getDrop Packets

The drop rate for Unidentified 13 is lower, but you can turn in the quest must more often. Personally when I was farming for roentgeniums, the Larvae quest was my goto method to get unidentified 13s. Level 2 Hentie2701. In AQW, you quest to defeat the 13 Lords of Chaos, armed with a possible amount of nearly 50 classes, and weapons. The primary concept is defeating monsters in order to complete each zone's storyline.

%xt%zm%getDrop%163%4723% – Unidentified 10
%xt%zm%getDrop%147584%6136% – Gem of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%8%4770% – Dark Crystal Shard
%xt%zm%getDrop%175305%1172% – Escherion’s Helm
%xt%zm%getDrop%254467%5356% – Essence of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%595891%5357% – Totem of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%8%4769% – Tainted Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%191901%4708% – Cubes
%xt%zm%getDrop%281%8541% – Tortured Darkness Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%281%8542% – Malignant Darkness Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%281%8543% – Ultimate Darkness Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%281%8540% – Necrotic Darkness Gem
%xt%zm%getDrop%174917%4960% – Tainted Soul
%xt%zm%getDrop%6%4771% – Diamonds of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%115861%4862% – Voucher of Nulgath (Non Member)
%xt%zm%getDrop%19457%4762% – Unidentified 13
%xt%zm%getDrop%141063%4861% – Voucher of Nulgath (Member)
%xt%zm%getDrop%61223%6521% – Legion Token
%xt%zm%getDrop%55467%10326% – Magenta Dye
%xt%zm%getDrop%55467%10325% – Fuchsia Dye
%xt%zm%getDrop%110157%8940% – Treasure Chest
%xt%zm%getDrop%683%9396% – Super Fan Swag Token D
%xt%zm%getDrop%683%9395% – Super Fan Swag Token C
%xt%zm%buyItem%15%9394%325% – Super Fan Swag Token B
%xt%zm%buyItem%15%9393%325% – Super Fan Swag Token A
%xt%zm%getDrop%232642%157% – Dark Hunger
%xt%zm%getDrop%262830%199% – Giant Protector Blade
%xt%zm%getDrop%262830%198% – Box Guardian Blade
%xt%zm%getDrop%62%10700% – Air Freed
%xt%zm%getDrop%20136%4660% – Hydra Scale
%xt%zm%getDrop%20011%4659% – Aracara’s Fang
%xt%zm%getDrop%19935%4658% – Strand of Vath’s Hair
%xt%zm%getDrop%19719%4657% – O-dokuro’s Tooth
%xt%zm%getDrop%19573%2431% – Escherion’s Chain
%xt%zm%getDrop%1674%8720% – Shiny Junked Junk
%xt%zm%getDrop%8%4713% – Unidentified 4
%xt%zm%getDrop%8%4818% – Unidentified 22
%xt%zm%getDrop%157%4716% – Unidentified 7
%xt%zm%getDrop%22%4714% – Unidentified 5
%xt%zm%getDrop%223555%4717% – Unidentified 8
%xt%zm%getDrop%82%8072% – 1st Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%110955%8071% – 2nd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%82%8070% – 3rd Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%64528%8069% – 4th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
%xt%zm%getDrop%135510%4820% – Unidentified 24
%xt%zm%getDrop%64528%4712% – Unidentified 3
%xt%zm%getDrop%64528%4829% – Unidentified 28
%xt%zm%getDrop%64528%4709% – Unidentified 2
%xt%zm%getDrop%64980%4856% – Unidentified 30
%xt%zm%getDrop%64980%4746% – Unidentified 12
%xt%zm%getDrop%65398%4857% – Unidentified 31
%xt%zm%getDrop%65398%4819% – Undentified 23
%xt%zm%getDrop%40972%4750% – Unidentified 17
%xt%zm%getDrop%167313%4748% – Unidentified 15
%xt%zm%getDrop%167313%4752% – Unidentified 19
%xt%zm%getDrop%167543%4858% – Unidentified 32
%xt%zm%getDrop%61108%4821% – Unidentified 25
%xt%zm%getDrop%683%9439% – This is Definitly A token
%xt%zm%getDrop%683%9440% – This Could be A token
%xt%zm%getDrop%683%9392% – This Might be A token
%xt%zm%getDrop%683%9397% – Token of Vindication
%xt%zm%getDrop%192053%5547% – Ravaged Champion Soul
%xt%zm%getDrop%135823%8891% – Mental Defenses removed
%xt%zm%getDrop%135823%8892% – Whispered laughter
%xt%zm%getDrop%135823%8893% – Piece of dreamglass
%xt%zm%getDrop%7958%312% – Soul Schyte
%xt%zm%getDrop%105%5581% – Viper’s Blood
%xt%zm%getDrop%61113%4711% – J6’s Secret Hideout map
%xt%zm%getDrop%232642%157% – Dark Hunger
%xt%zm%getDrop%428623%4889% – Combat Trophy
%xt%zm%getDrop%94359%600% – Dwakel Bubble Helm
%xt%zm%getDrop%94359%609% – Oculation Helm
%xt%zm%getDrop%94359%615% – Battery Cell Pack
%xt%zm%getDrop%94359%612% – Spy Bot
%xt%zm%getDrop%94359%601% – Dwakel Sword
%xt%zm%getDrop%30%11247% – Desoloth Warrior Token

sellItem Packets

%xt%zm%sellItem%190541%4762%2%1051062524% – Sell Unidentified 13
%xt%zm%sellItem%219188%4771%13%1064287361% – Sell Diamond of Nulgath
%xt%zm%sellItem%219188%6136%90%1050856922% – Sell Gem of Nulgath
%xt%zm%sellItem%219188%4770%50%1060427436% – Sell Dark Crystal Shard
%xt%zm%sellItem%219188%4769%49%1062072051% – Sell Tainted Gem
%xt%zm%sellItem%2%4861%1%1101572404% – Sell Voucher of Nulgath
%xt%zm%sellItem%4%1172%1%1101789224% – Sell Escherion’s Helm
%xt%zm%sellItem%232642%157%1%1101784651% – Sell Dark Hunger
%xt%zm%sellItem%992%8940%86%1107753703% – Sell Treasure Chest
%xt%zm%sellItem%2%198%2%1119922131% – Sell Box Guardian Blade
%xt%zm%sellItem%262830%199%1%1119904296% – Sell Giant Protector Blade
%xt%zm%sellItem%232642%157%1%1101784651% – Sell Dark Hunger
%xt%zm%sellItem%92393%4708%1%1191123262% – Sell Cubes
%xt%zm%sellItem%183%9392%1%1196115791% – Sell This Might Be A Token
%xt%zm%sellItem%94359%600%1%1170805044% – Sell Dwakel Bubble Helm
%xt%zm%sellItem%94359%609%1%1170808447% – Sell Oculation Helm
%xt%zm%sellItem%94359%615%1%1170809609% – Sell Battery Cell Pack
%xt%zm%sellItem%94359%612%1%1170810811% – Sell Spy Bot
%xt%zm%sellItem%94359%601%1%1170813249% – Sell Dwakel Sword
%xt%zm%sellItem%30%11247%12%1220624183% – Sell Desoloth Warrior Token

getMapItem Packets

%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%366% – Experience Boost
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%365% – Gold Boost
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%515% – Repution Boost
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%516% – Class Point Boost
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%362% – Globrush [R] Lightbeam Elixir
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%367% – Globrush Sparklebeam Elixir
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%368% – Elixir of Haste
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%369% – Elixir of Regeneration
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%364% – Globrush [R] Wand
%xt%zm%getMapItem%4%393% – Globrush [R] Guardian Guard

summonPet Packets

%xt%zm%summonPet%15714%10596% – Darkside Pet
%xt%zm%summonPet%90847%10127% – Horc Evader Pet
%xt%zm%summonPet%90847%7985% – Necromancer Pet

setAchievement Packets

%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%0%1% – Friday The 13th
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%1%1% – Kung Food Fighter
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%2%1% – Moglin Punter
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%3%1% – PTR Tester*
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%5%1% – Eye Was There
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%7%1% – Stubborn Achievement
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%8%1% – Reinforced
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%9%1% – Sky Pirate Slayer
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%12%1% – Unicorn Commander
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%13%1% – Cornelis Reborn
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%14%1% – King Fisher*
%xt%zm%setAchievement%79%ia0%14.5%1% – Derp Moosefish*

*Os que estão com pontos vermelhos dão ban por 1 Dia

restRequest Packets

%xt%zm%emotea%1%rest% – Will use the action “Rest”
%xt%zm%restRequest%1%% – Will make you heal (Not useable in combat)

Skyguard 1 – %xt%zm%changeColor%235133%16764057%0%65535%293%21%

Skyguard 2 – %xt%zm%changeColor%235133%16764057%0%65535%294%21%

Skyguard 3 – %xt%zm%changeColor%235133%16764057%0%65535%296%21%

1-Aperte A seta (->) E na barra dulado do send cole o cabelo desejado e clique em ”SEND” E logo depois marque como ”Spam”
2-Relogue a conta,e o cabelo estara equipado.

Então é isso espero que ajude.

**Juggernaut Items of Nulgath Tips, Tricks and Walkthrough**
This post is for new players who want to get one of the item drop of Juggernaut Items of Nulgath.
This is quite easy to farm and understand because we all know where to find things for the quest.Spammer
Aqw the leery contractNOW SHALL WE START?
Juggernaut Items of Nulgath(QUEST ID: 837)
  • Level 30
  • Unidentified 13: 'The Contract of Nulgath'
A few of you have proven beyond a shadow of doubt your loyalty to my power. For that I present you with some of my most prized items of destruction… once you bring me the Rune 2 I have been searching for. Do not ask why.
Items Required:
  • Diamond of Nulgath x13
  • Dark Crystal Shard x50
  • Gem of Nulgath x20
  • Nulgath Rune 2 x1
    • Dropped by Undead Bruiser
  • Tainted Gem x50
  • Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) x1
  • Totem of Nulgath x3
  • 500,000 Gold
  • 13,000 Exp
You may also choose one of:
  • Oblivion of Nulgath
  • Ungodly Reavers of Nulgath
  • Warlord of Nulgath
  • Arcane of Nulgath
  • Dimensional Champion of Nulgath
  • Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
  • Overfiend Blade of Nulgath
  • Battlefiend Blade of Nulgath
  • Dark Makai of Nulgath
  • Nulgath Armor

Lets start with the easy way to farm requirements.
What you need is to accept a quest from a Nulgath Larvae.

Nulgath (Larvae) (QUEST ID: 2566)
(This quest subject to change)
Well the mini larval version of me has got a job to do and that's to collect Mana Energy! Bring me some Mana Energy from the Mana Golem and Charged Mana Energy from the Mana Elemental and I'll let you spin this wheel of mine. I've narrowed it's prizes down to the most valuable. Aqw unidentified 13 bot grimoireAND I've raised your chance of winning!
Items Required:
  • Mana Energy for Nulgath x1
    • Dropped by Mana Golem (Monster)
  • Charged Mana Energy for Nulgath x5
    • Dropped by Mana Elemental
  • 13,000 Gold
  • 300 0 Exp
  • 300 Rep Evil
  • Unidentified 13: 'The Contract of Nulgath'
  • Unidentified 10 (Item): 'Bag of Dirt'
You may also receive, at random:

How To Get Unidentified 13

  • 5th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath (Pet)
  • 6th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath (Pet)
  • 7th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath (Pet)
  • 8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath
  • Bane of Nulgath
  • Dark Crystal Shard
  • Diamond of Nulgath
  • Gem of Nulgath
  • Hex Blade of Nulgath
  • Nulgath Horns
  • Shifter Helm of Nulgath
  • Tainted Gem
  • Totem of Nulgath
  • Unidentified 13: 'The Contract of Nulgath'
  • Voidfangs of Nulgath
  • Voucher of Nulgath
  • Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)
Well you see, this quest drops everything that is needed to complete the Juggernaut Items of Nulgath. But the problem is that the drop rate of this items are so small/low. So im here to give you alternative quests to make it more quicker to farm.
Lets with the easiest item to farm. The Tainted Gem.

Bone Dust Reagent
(QUEST ID: 568)
Items Required:
  • Bone Dust x25
  • 1,000 Gold
  • 50 Exp
  • Tainted Gem

Just /join castleundead and kill some skeletal monsters and youre good to go.
The next one is... The Dark Crystal Shard.
Essence of Defeat Reagent(QUEST ID: 570)
Items Required:
  • Defeated Makai x50
    • Dropped by Dark Makai
  • Escherion's Chain x1
  • O-dokuro's Tooth x1
  • Strand of Vath's Hair x1
  • Aracara's Fang x1
  • Hydra Scale x1
  • Tibicenas' Chain x1
    • Dropped by Tibicenas (Monster) (1)
  • 10,000 Gold
  • 150 1,000 Exp
  • Dark Crystal Shard
You may also receive, at random:
  • Dark Crystal Shard x2
All you have to do is kill Chaos Lords. Easy right? *troll face*
I know its hard you guys would just use the Mana Golem bot. Now heres the catch, the Mana Golem bot doesnt accept Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem). If by chance that the Voucher drop and picked up by bot, you will automatically disconnect. So if you guys only need the Voucher, i think you should farm it without botting.
An alternative way to get the Totem of Nulgath is...
Totem of Nulgath (quest)(QUEST ID: 726)
Items Required:
  • Essence of Nulgath x100
  • Lesser Tainted Core x1
    • Dropped by Evil Elemental
    • Dropped by Tainted Elemental

Aqw Unidentified 13 Drop Rate

  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp
  • Totem of Nulgath

Some people say that the fastest way to farm the requirement was the quest from Drudgen the Assistant.
Supplies to spin The Wheel of Chance(QUEST ID: 555)
  • Must be Level 10.
Lore has had many revolutions and many Wars. Wars require weapons and weapons require resources.
Nulgath requires relics of power. Chaos infects infests the lands and the chaorrupted items are what he seeks. Bring me a these cursed items of chaos!
Items Required:
  • Escherion's Helm x1
Aqw Unidentified 13
  • 1,000 Gold
  • 100 Exp
  • DuckStick2000
  • Unidentified 10 (Item): 'Bag of Dirt'
You may also choose one of the following:
  • Unidentified 14: 'Worn Axe'
You may also receive, at random:
  • Unidentified 1 (Gun): 'Trig Buster'
  • Unidentified 2 (Helm): 'Sharkbait's True Head'
  • Unidentified 3 (Mace): 'Dragon Bone Hammer'
  • Unidentified 4 (Mace): 'Small Hammer'
  • Unidentified 5 (Mace): 'Rounded Stone Hammer'
  • Unidentified 6 (Dagger): 'Parasitic Hacker'
  • Unidentified 7 (Dagger): 'Star Dagger'
  • Unidentified 8 (Dagger): 'Bee Sting Dagger'
  • Unidentified 9 (Helm): 'Ordinary Iron Wing Helm'
  • Unidentified 12 (Staff): 'Bone Walking Cane'
  • Unidentified 13 (Quest Item): 'The Contract of Nulgath'
  • Unidentified 14 (Axe): 'Worn Axe'
  • Unidentified 15 (Mace): 'Emblem Mace'
  • Unidentified 16 (Mace): 'Iron Plate Hammer'
  • Unidentified 17 (Mace): 'Duck on a Stick'
  • Unidentified 18 (Helm): 'Dark Cyclops Face'
  • Unidentified 19 (Pet): 'Koi Fish in a Sphere'
  • Unidentified 20 (Sword): 'Dragonbone Blade'
  • Unidentified 21 (Axe): 'Dragonbone Axe'
  • Unidentified 22 (Quest Item): 'Essence of the Hex Void'
  • Unidentified 23 (Quest Item): 'Essence of the Blood Void'
  • Unidentified 24 (Quest Item): 'Essence of the Void Fiend'
  • Unidentified 25 (Quest Item): 'Essence of the Shadow Void'
  • Unidentified 26 (Cape): 'Ordinary Cape'
  • Unidentified 28 (Dagger): 'Spinal Tap'
  • Unidentified 29 (Staff): 'Mysterious Walking Cane'
  • Unidentified 30 (Dagger): 'Platinum Twin Blade'
  • Unidentified 31 (Dagger): 'Platinum Battle Shank'
  • Unidentified 32 (Dagger): 'Cruel Dagger Of Nulgath'
  • Unidentified 33 (Dagger): 'Primal Dagger Tooth'
  • Claw of Nulgath
  • Tainted Gem
  • Dark Crystal Shard
  • Diamond of Nulgath
  • DuckStick2000
  • Primal Dread Fang
  • Ddog's Sea Serpent Armor
  • Voucher of Nulgath
  • Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem)
  • Random Weapon of Nulgath
This quest has way way more drops than the Nulgath (Larvae), but on the brighter side this quest drops awesome weapons, helms, capes, and armors. My favorite sword is the 'Random Weapon of Nulgath'.
To finish this quest all you need to do is kill Chaos Lord Escherion in /join echerion.
Now to sum up this Walkthrough, there are 2 quests that would help you farm the Juggernaut Items. Be wise to pick between those two.
If by chance that you guys own a Orb pet farming requirement would be super easy for you. Sadly this pet was already rare but dont worry! In Nulgath's Birthday, there would be another pet with quests worth 2000 ac's.
If i were you i would not use BOT in this quests.
GoodLuck farming guys!